Six Authors, Five Free Books

Oh yeah, it’s that time again to give away some free books from multiple bestselling authors!

This is copied from D.J. Butler’s website. He’s running it, and Larry Correia and I threw in copies of MONSTER HUNTER MEMOIRS: FEVER as part of the prize package.

SIX WRITERS are banding together to bring you a giveaway of FIVE SIGNED SFF NOVELS. This drawing will have five winners, and each winner will receive:

  • A copy of MONSTER HUNTER MEMOIRS: FEVER, signed by Larry Correia and Jason Cordova,
  • A copy of THE CITY OF MARBLE AND BLOOD, signed by Howard Andrew Jones,
  • A copy of EMPIRE OF SILENCE, signed by Christopher Ruocchio,
  • A copy of WITCHY EYE, signed by D.J. Butler, and
  • A copy of BEYOND ENEMIES, signed by Marisa Wolf.

Holy cow, am I right?

Books will be shipped to winners from the individual authors, which means that if you win, it rain books on you in February, as five separate packages full of signed goodness come your way. Note that if you live outside the U.S. and shipping to where you live is prohibitive, some authors may send you ebook copies rather than physical books.

There’s more on the page, but basically the more you share, the better your odds become. CLICK HERE to enter, and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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