2018 In Review

2018 was a very strange year for me. I left my job of 3 years, was fired as Head Basketball coach just before the season started, and had one of my most successful publishing years since 2014. 3 novels were released and I was featured in 2 anthologies, and sold another short story to Baen for another upcoming anthology.

I survived my first Dragoncon (phew!) and actually attended more cons in 2018 than I ever had in a single year before. I hope to match that number in 2019. Conventions are a great way for me to make new fans and generate excitement for upcoming releases.

2019 brings many new exciting things. Publishing-wise is exciting, with my short story “The Prayer Wheel” will be in the next Freehold: Vengeance anthology, and another short story could potentially be featured elsewhere (still waiting on the contract details). After speaking with my publisher it was felt that we could potentially get the next three books of the Kin Wars Saga out this year, as well as the final book of The Warp. It would take me really putting the nose to the grindstone, but it can be done. Considering I’m already halfway finished with Homeguard… I also will be having a small novel released this coming year called The Christmas Surprise, which may or may not turn into a recurring series if the sales are good.

Here’s to an exciting 2019.

2 thoughts on “2018 In Review

  1. Looking forward to more Warp. As much as I love the Kin Wars saga, The Warp is how I first knew about you, and I LOVE that series.

    • The plan right now is to finish the next two Kin Wars books in rapid succession, then wrap up the Warp series, then back to Kin Wars. Here’s to getting four books out this year.

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